Here are a bunch of words we felt were worth putting on the internet. If you choose to read these words, you'll likely get to know us a little better. Which will help you decide if you want to hang out with us later.

This is for the new creative.

This is for the new creative.

You won’t make money.
You won’t be good enough.
Your parents won’t understand.
It’s too competitive.
You might have to get a real job.

These are five reasons I remember. There are probably more. This is what rattled around my head back then. And they are all true.

You won’t make money.
You won’t be good enough.
Your parents won’t understand.
It’s too competitive.
You might have to get a real job.

But if you can’t help yourself from drawing, writing, playing, and pretending, do it. Do it anyway.

You’ll make some money.
You’ll get better.
Your parents won’t understand.
It’s very competitive.
You might get a job.

And if you keep going, you begin to outlast the others. And your confidence meets your competence, and all of a sudden, you’re in your prime.

You make money.
You’re good.
Your parents begin to understand.
It’s competitive.
You have a career.

You can’t believe how this happened and where you are now. You did what you thought you could never do. You’re a pro and a leader, writing about what you know.

You make good money.
You’re making sure others know they’re enough.
Your parents’ opinions matter less (they were proud of you the whole time).
It’s competitive.
You’re a boss.

And I don’t know what’s next, but I have some guesses and hopes.

You share your money.
It was never about you.
You understand your parents.
It’s quiet.
You learn to let go.

You’ve heard something like this before. You’ve read it in quotes and books and heard it from others.

But I remember that time. I remember feeling lost, soft, and ill-equipped. Because I was all those things, and you may be, too.

But, that might be precisely where you’re supposed to be.

But, it isn’t where you’re going.

So, stop reading and get going.

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